Public profiles for Businesses on Snapchat are now available for non-verified accounts. This is the perfect place for businesses to create and share their organic content.

What are Brand Profiles?

Brand Profiles offer a permanent home to companies on Snapchat and give businesses the ability to display and showcase all their unique engagements in one place. This includes created AR Lenses, native commerce stores, and content highlights. Think of Brand Profiles as your own website and storefront inside the Snapchat app.

Snapchat launched public profiles in mid-2020, but until recently, only verified creators could access this feature. Now, all Snapchatters can create public profiles and leverage the many promotional opportunities they offer.

Essentially, a public profile is your business’s home on Snapchat. Snapchatters can find it through search, on the Discovery tab, via lenses, or through a paid ad. They can also access it directly from a snapcode or shareable URL.

Why this is important:

Snapchat is a great social media platform where brands can share stories, publish AR lenses, share highlights with your public snaps & stories permanently (like with Instagram’s similar highlight features.) Once your profile is public, it become discoverable via Snapchat search.

Businesses can link their eCommerce store to their public profile and Snapchatters will see your Shopify store when visiting your profile, making it seamless for them to navigate around the shopping experience. Public profile also allows Snapchat users to share your profile with their peers.

If you need assistance in setting up your Business profile on Snapchat, please contact us. Our social media experts will be happy to assist you.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?