LinkedIn announced its intention to acquire Oribi, which will showcase new analytics tools that deliver enhanced campaign attribution and enable simplified event tracking and response through key actionable insights to capitalize on performance trends.

As explained by LinkedIn:

“Understanding which channels and messages have the greatest impact on the decision to take a desired step, such as a buyer requesting a product demo or a job seeker applying to a job posting, is critical to the effectiveness of any marketing campaign. Through the integration of Oribi’s technology into our marketing solutions platform, our customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimize the ROI of their advertising strategies.”

LinkedIn already offers a range of marketing and advertising solutions. However, users have pushed for targeted ad features and better attribution models within the professional networking platform. Solutions like Oribi, which competes with platforms like Google Analytics, could deliver those enhanced attribution metrics.

The new analytics tool will provide code-free data that makes LinkedIn a more robust platform as marketers can now see visitors’ actions on a brand’s website and group those actions into behaviors that can provide deeper analysis without the need for third-party cookies or in-app tracing. This will help LinkedIn align with emerging privacy trends and the deprecation of cookies.  

Marketers can use targeting features via platforms like LinkedIn to engage with a precise audience base or even network with peers in a specific role, industry, or interest. In fact, Acronym recently won Sprout Social’s Agency Campaign of the Year for its use of LinkedIn (and Facebook) to drive qualified applications and leads to Wharton Executive Education’s online “Wharton Live Programs.” The integration of Oribi’s technology will allow marketers to better optimize their ROI and overall strategies as it will become easier to measure conversions from various campaigns.

If you’d like assistance leveraging LinkedIn for recruiting or to better connect with business customers, contact us today. We’re happy to help.

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