Instagram announced that all users in the US can now insert product tags as part of their organic posts.

Historically, only creators and brands had this ability to tag their products to share with their followers, but now the platform has given this ability to all U.S. users.

By allowing everyone the ability to provide a direct product link in their posts, more users will be encouraged to tag products, which will also drive more people to click-through and ultimately buy the items within the app.

Instagram explains:

“Today, we’re expanding the ability to add product tags in Feed posts to everyone in the US. Creators and brands have been sharing how they use and style their favorite products on Instagram and inspiring their communities. Now we’re giving access to everyone to inspire those closest to them by enabling product tagging in posts. From supporting brands you love to helping your friends and family discover new products they may like, sharing products on Instagram just got easier.”

How to Tag Products:

  1. Create a post on Instagram.
  2. Select “Tag People.”
  3. Search and Tag the Brand first. (Two options should appear labeled “people & products.”
  4. Select Products.
  5. Select the photo and start tagging products. Use descriptors to find the products. Once you find the products, specify and particular styles or colors, then select Add Tag.
  6. Share your post.

Shopping tags are just another element that IG has designed in order to encourage their users to spend more time in the app. Instagram has been pushing to increase eCommerce activity in the app through the addition of Shops, the shop tab, live-stream shopping and now product tags for all.

Product tags provide an opportunity for a boost for your brand. Encourage your followers and loyal customers to tag their favorite products in their posts to increase awareness, traffic, and purchases.

With 1.6 million users tagging at least one brand, on average, each week already, we expect this features to become a significant part of the in-app experience.

If you need assistance integrating Instagram or any other social media platform into your marketing mix, please contact us. We are here to help.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?