
AcroBabble – Going (Creatively) Digital – June 18, 2015

By June 18, 2015No Comments

Going (Creatively) Digital


Now Showing: Streaming Video Via Your Pizza Delivery Box 

Just when you think cardboard-as-high-tech is sooo yesterday, Pizza Hut has turned the material into a projector through which to stream video. Designed by Ogilvy Hong Kong, the advertising stunt uses boxes with a perforated, pop-out hole in the side of the box. A very unique pizza table (also called a pizza protector) then serves as the projector’s lens, according to The Verge. Just pop in your smart phone and project entertainment on a wall. Then carefully clean your smartphone before attempting to talk or text.


Dove Puts Dads-To-Be In The Warm And Fuzzy Spotlight

The Dove brand is well known for connecting with women in various creative ways and generating significant buzz along the way. Now Dove is targeting men at a key moment in their life stage: as they are about to become dads, reports The Christian Science Monitor. The key concept behind the company’s Men+Care campaign is to strive for authenticity while appealing to the younger generations.


Panera Is Latest Food Chain To Trumpet All Things Healthy

Fans of artificial colors, flavors, sugars and preservatives on their foodstuffs will not be the target of Panera’s new push into all things healthy. According to ADWEEK, a new campaign tagged “Food as it should be” that broke this week isn’t about telling people what they should or should not eat. “We simply want to say, ‘Look, this is what we believe. … If you share our values and share that philosophy, then yeah, come on in. We have some great options for you,'” says the chain’s head of marketing, Chris Hollander. Those options include a Caesar salad with kale.


Coke: Kid President, Other YouTube Stars Trump Hollywood Celebs

As Coca-Cola increasingly focuses its marketing on the “new,” the “now” and the “next” it is leaning more heavily on YouTube celebrities like Kid President than on Hollywood stars to attract and land more Millennial customers. One example of the beverage brand using YouTube and its biggest names was a recent video ad featuring a group of singers, all known for their presence on YouTube, sitting around a table together singing while using Coke bottles as instruments like the traditional cups game, reports Mobile Marketer.


C-Suite Moves

Debra Berman to Yahoo as its first-ever SVP of Consumer Marketing, from JCPenney, where she was Chief Marketing Officer.

Rick Zuroweste to Moosylvania as Partner and Chief Marketing Officer, from Dymatize Enterprises, where he was Chief Marketing Officer.

David Gingell to TeamViewer GmbH as Chief Marketing Officer, from NetApp, where he had been VP, Marketing.

Julie Ginches to Kahuna as Chief Marketing Officer, from Exelate, where she was Chief Marketing Officer.

Aaron Goldman to 4C as Chief Marketing Officer, from Kenshoo, where he was Chief Marketing Officer.



The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?