Acronym was named a U.S. Campaign finalist for Best Use of Digital/Programmatic for Wharton Executive Education’s Live Online Programs. Winners will be announced at a special virtual event on April 28th.

The recognized campaign was developed to grow Wharton’s audience, improve prospecting efficiency, and limit the barriers to entry for programmatic content while ensuring the brand’s presence across premium publishers to drive more online applications.

Acronym streamlined prospecting and awareness through seamless buying to dramatically improve efficiencies by creating strategic programmatic content alignment with publishers on premium websites.

Using a marketplace curated by NYIAX, Acronym accessed premium inventory for Wharton, including sites like,,,,,,,,,,,,, and more.

This new approach to display and programmatic reduced time spent on media buys, drove efficiencies, and increased performance, enabling Acronym to limit barriers to entry, buy directly on premium sites more efficiently, lower barriers to entry and develop a new process that performed the way you would through direct site buys, programmatically.

These activities were also supported by other prospecting tactics, including behavioral targeting (business executives), keyword targeting (business and finance topics), and an additional custom and curated publisher/content site list.

This is the second recognition for Acronym’s work with Wharton this year. Last month, the social media campaign supporting Wharton’s Live Online Programs was named Agency Campaign of the Year by Sprout Social.

If you’d like help developing the right programmatic strategy or social media campaign for your brand, please let us know. Our media teams are ready to help!

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?