WuWebThere’s definitely an Asia leaning in this edition of TMN. Having sponsored a number of conferences, including at venues in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore this year, Acronym also partnered with China’s leading digital agency, Gridsum.

Daniel Wu is a founding member of the Gridsum team, which launched in Beijing in 2005 with a strong focus on search and analytics (positioned as the leading bid management tool in China). Gridsum is recognized as a Five Star agency by Baidu, which is the leading search engine in China, and recently was appointed to represent Baidu as master agency in the US.

With 600 clients in 18 verticals (including huge brands such as Coca Cola and Nike) Gridsum has grown tremendously and now employs just over 200 people. I sat down with Daniel to find out how Gridusm started, all about their technology platform and the special relationship they have developed with digital marketing giant Baidu.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?