Meet Acronym’s Michael Tan Jung

Sr. Systems Developer


When did you join Acronym?

In joined the company on March 1 of 2011.

What is your title at Acronym and what are your responsibilities?

I am the Senior Systems Developer. My responsibilities include contributing to the development of existing and new innovative online tools related to search marketing (SEO and SEM); assisting in database design and implementation; developing server-side code to create technology projects and features; and assisting in tracking down and debugging issues with front-end or server-side code written by other developers. In addition, I work with a separate team of front-end developers to coordinate service communication and collaborate with team members to generate innovative solutions for clients.

What do you consider the most interesting thing about Acronym’s search technology platform, Keyword Objects™, and its many elements? What sets it apart from other technologies in the industry?

KO is an all-in-one solution tool to analyze and organize keyword data whose many elements are very well thought out. Building KO has been fun, thrilling and challenging at the same time. Most often, we as a team are forced to overcome challenges. This allows us to think outside the box and explore what new and awesome tools are available. Among KO’s many advantages over other technologies, which will limit data based on the number of keywords a marketer needs to track, with KO there is no limit!

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

I love enjoying Colorado nature, hiking, camping and mountain biking. I also enjoy soccer and golf.


The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?