Meet Acronym’s Nyambura Mbugua

SEO Analyst

Ny295x175When did you join Acronym?
I started about 18 months ago.

What do you do for Acronym and which clients do you work for?

I am a SEO Analyst, helping to execute strategies for clients like Wallace Foundation, Wharton Executive Education and SAP involving SEO and/or Social campaigns. Along with reporting for my various clients I create SEO/Social audits for the Wallace Foundation.

If you had to cite the most impactful change affecting the SEO business that Google has made over the past 12 months, what would that be?

I feel that the rise of RankBrain algorithm was impactful and will become increasingly so over time. Google has stated that RankBrain will become third-most important signal contributing to the result of a search query.

What are the lingering effects of these changes and how has Acronym helped its clients adjust to them?

RankBrain helps Google’s search engine algorithm better understand upcoming complex searches and their associations to specific topics. From my observations at Acronym and discussions with SAP, the implications of RankBrain focus on enhancing content marketing. This covers a range of issues, for example increasing ranking and traffic for non-brand keywords with intent-based keyword strategies; providing the best answer for any given query related to your product or service; and optimizing social profiles. All of these will help our clients rise in overall web performance.

What do you consider the most interesting aspect of search marketing overall and the current state of the business?

I think the most interesting aspect of digital advertising is the growth of personas and the impact of search personalization. For example, search history, devices (like tablets, desktops) and even social connections like Twitter’s social authority. Also, the change of search result pages (Knowledge Graph) and seeing where the future holds in SEO in its relationship with digital media and advertising.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

I am a computer nerd and I love to create graphics and find new trends in digital media. I also like to listen to music and hang out with friends on my down time.


The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?