Meet Acronym’s Tom Herrmann

SEO Strategist

Tom_295x175When did you join Acronym?
I joined Acronym on February 16; one week ago today.

What is your title at Acronym and which clients do you work for?

I am an SEO Strategist and work with clients like Four Seasons and Denihan.

What are your specific responsibilities?

My responsibilities include creating on-page optimizations for clients’ web pages, press releases, and other content. I imagine I will be taking on more as I get settled into my role.

What do you consider the most interesting things you do at work?

The most interesting thing I do at work is try to balance high-volume search terms with reachable, but possibly less volume driven search terms.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

When I’m not working I love putting together movie screenings (I have them on my roof in the summer), and sometimes doing improv comedy.

You are going on vacation to a place where there is no Internet connection. What book or magazine would you bring with you?

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; I’ve been rereading the series and that’s the book I’m up to. I will be going on vacation with no internet this summer when I camp at Saranac Lake in July.


The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?