Meet Acronym’s Michael Feighner

Digital Analytics Analyst

When did you join Acronym?

I joined Acronym in early August 2017.

What is your title at Acronym and which clients do you work for?

I am a Digital Analytics Analyst. Right now, I work on clients like Four Seasons and Wharton.

What are your specific responsibilities?

I run reports and perform analysis on website traffic along with proposing ways to optimize websites for visitors.

What do you consider the most interesting things you do at work?

I love being able to explore problems from all angles to find the right solution.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

Playing card games and board games. I just learned the Italian card game Briscola, so if anyone knows it or wants to learn it, let’s talk!

You are going on vacation to a place where there is no Internet connection. What book or magazine would you bring with you?

Robinson Crusoe.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?