As American Idol prepares to move to ABC next year, Adobe is auditioning rockstars for its own Analytics-themed version, which will take place during Adobe Summit 2018.

Analytics Idol should be familiar to Summit attendees, but this so-called pre-conference Analytics Rockstar Tour is new – and kicked off this week in New York with Acronym’s chief analytics officer, David Sprinkle, and director of analytics, Janelle Olmer, on stage.

The tour continued in Chicago on October 19 and it will be in San Francisco on November 1 before the finalists are determined. They will present their tips for a final face-off in Las Vegas in March.

Adobe calls Analytics Idol a “fun, fast-paced and informative session where Adobe Analytics users help their peers become rockstars by sharing their top tips and tricks.”

Olmer said Adobe asked Acronym to contribute tips based on work it has done with clients to leverage data to solve business questions.

Sprinkle and Olmer were invited to present after Adobe screened their tips based on “how innovative, practical, and valuable they [were] as well as how broadly they could be used by analysts at other companies in different industries,” Adobe said.

“We’re looking for tips that would help your analytics peers uncover new and deeper insights or perform their daily tasks more efficiently or effectively,” Adobe added.

Acronym’s tips included how to enable accurate reporting in any local currency using only a few new events, as well as how to determine the drop-off rate for online form errors.

“We were selected to participate when Acronym was recognized for outstanding use of Adobe Analytics and applying the tool in creative ways to solve business challenges,” Olmer said.

And, when voting was final in New York, Acronym’s rockstars came in second.

“A lot of what we presented was taking features that have been available in Adobe for a long time and using them alongside stuff that is new,” Olmer said. “Clients who are maximizing the value of Adobe Analytics are the ones who can leverage not just the new stuff, but also the old stuff. And, for clients, it’s important to have a partner who knows it all and is up to date. Adobe is making changes every month that can impact where you can be more effective with tracking and reporting.”

And, luckily for Acronym clients, Olmer, Sprinkle and the rest of the analytics team are always on top of these changes and ready to innovate.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?