Meet Acronym’s Jenny Ortiz

Marketing Director

When did you join Acronym?

August 21, 2017 – the same day as the total eclipse.

What is your title at Acronym and which clients do you work for?

Marketing Director. Acronym is my exclusive client.

What are your specific responsibilities?

Taking great care of the Acronym Brand ID, increasing visibility and business opportunities through marketing programs (lead gen, content marketing, social, awards, PR and more).

What do you consider the most interesting things you do at work?

Being an Acronym brand evangelist and collaborating with teams across our global operations. The variety of initiatives marketing handles provide me with a 360 view and exciting day-to-day.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

Relaxing, spending time with friends and family. Exercising is my respite. Scuba diving (which, once ascended from the water so quickly, feels like a distant dream). I  also love singing & karaoke.

You are going on vacation to a place where there is no Internet connection. What book or magazine would you bring with you?

The Bell Jar.

Interested in connecting?

Jenny can be reached at 212.691.7051

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The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?