Meet Acronym’s Ratchany Vang

PPC Analyst

When did you join Acronym?

I joined Acronym on July 24th.

What is your title at Acronym and which clients do you work for?

I am a PPC Analyst. Currently, I mainly work on New York Presbyterian and BMW but will eventually be taking on working with more clients.

What are your specific responsibilities?

I execute the day-to-day tasks for paid search campaigns, which includes creating, maintaining, optimizing, and pacing campaigns as well as weekly client calls and reporting.

What do you consider the most interesting things you do at work?

Paid Search is constantly changing and there’s always something new to learn whether it is a new tool, new user behaviors or a new engine all together so the most interesting aspect of my work is taking those new learnings and applying it to campaigns to optimize and improve performance.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

I like to do everything and nothing. Sometimes, I explore NYC, hang out with friends, or travel. Other times, I just relax at home with a good book or binge watch Netflix and criminal mystery shows.

You are going on vacation to a place where there is no Internet connection. What book or magazine would you bring with you?

I probably wouldn’t read on vacation so I would bring a travel guide of that vacation spot and explore what the place had to offer. Plus, they usually have maps and list transportation from one place to another so I wouldn’t get too lost. I’m really bad with directions!

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?