In an unusual turn of events, TikTok has borrowed from Instagram by adding a new ‘Photo Mode’ for still images in the app. The new feature allows users to post carousels of still images that can be scrolled.

TikTok Photo Mode

TikTok explains the new feature:

“Photo Mode allows you to share carousel posts of still images that automatically display one after another. You can add music to soundtrack the images, which viewers can swipe through at their own pace.”

We expect the addition of carousels will spark new trends, like before and after shots of DYI projects, makeovers, lawn and garden improvements, and other views into progressive change will provide another way for brands to reach an audience.

TikTok’s also added some new editing tools to make it easier to refine content before posting and launched longer captions, allowing creators to utilize up to 2,200 characters with each clip.

TikTok editing tools update

This represents a significant increase from the 300 characters previously allowed for video descriptions. This is no surprise given TikTok’s increasing role as a discovery platform.

In fact, Google itself recently noted that almost 40% of young people now use TikTok and Instagram for search, instead of the search engine. Allowing for longer descriptions will help users grow their reach and their “search engine” value within the app via more keywords.

If you need assistance leveraging TikTok or any social media platform, please contact us today. Our award-winning social media team is here to help.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?